Oh how it's been so long since I've updated this blog. I guess I have been partying too much and forgot about my writing and I wish to change that. I haven't even talked about Eidil Fitri Celebrations and so on. Last I checked was about the fasting month of Ramadhan.
I've just been upgraded recently in life. The date of the 5th of November 2011 last month really gave me a big slap in the face. I got upraded from a 2-Series guy, to a 3-Series. Catch my drift? Catch me if you can...man, I'm talking gibberish again...
Well, it's not about me driving a BMW and going off bragging about it, actually it means I just turned 30 and also, how I wonder why I'm not driving a BMW at this point in life..haha...I really do hope to drive one soon. I mean, OWN one. At least one. Oh, the big three-o. Nevertheless, I'm glad I made it this far. Praise be to God the Almighty, creator of all the the universe and dimensions. I will be updating again and again from now on. The past is past, but the future is here and today, is a gift. Maybe that's why they call it the 'Present'. I will update this blog untill I finally stumble upon something really interesting to write about. Because as for now, I think whatever I'm writing about sounds pretty lame...hey, I'm new anyway. But, I know I will. I know I will get there. The pursuit of real art. That is what I really am. I am Mel Black. I regard myself silently as a visionary, an artist of many sort. I am, in some way, inevitably an Art myself.
THIS, is Mel Black.
Observers Of The Mountain
A Journal's Journey From The North Borneo
Monday, December 12, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
The Fasting Month Of Ramadhan
Aaaahhh...the fasting month of Ramadhan is finally here again and in Malaysia, when the fasting month comes, the days seem long and the nights seem short. The scenario you would see in the office, the city and everywhere else will be different from any other month in the year. People who are fasting are going about their day in the morning with a dull face and a slightly bad mood. By 3 O'clock in the afternoon, where most people are supposed to be winding down and tired, suddenly everybody becomes cheerful and energetic. Everybody's preparing their variety of traditional cuisine, a variety of traditional and foreign delicacies being sold by hawkers all over the country, everybody's on the street, smiling and shaking hands. Why? Because break fast is near! By sunset, we get to eat, drink, smoke and even get to touch our wives again!...or husbands...Haha...
Yes, I am a Muslim. Well, I do not dare to preach much because although I'm a believer, I ain't happen to be much of a good practitioner and I'm a pretty stubborn-ass kinda guy too.
Many of us here in Asia are lucky compared to muslims in some western countries whereas the fasting period during the day is very long. Long days, short nights. I remember my parents talking about how tiring it was to fast in England but I couldn't have known since I was just a small boy when we were living in Essex, England. Even when we came home, I was still in primary school.
Ramadhan is a holy month for muslims and I think I should take a break from posting silly stuff on the net for a while...but I just can't help it! I just like to fool around too much! Anyways...
Happy fasting everyone! May we reach our goals in life and in the hereafter. God bless. Peace!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
The Pursuit of Happiness
'The Pursuit of Happiness'...no, not the movie starred by Will Smith and his son, you gota check out the song by Nuno Bettencourt, lead guitarist of Extreme (popular songs-More Than Words) and I realy think they should've played this song during the ending credits of the film. Me and Johan Mohamed used to listen to this song like crazy while Fareeq Alias had the Washburn Signature Series Guitar by Nuno Bettencourt.
"Eiiiieeessss Evry Bodeh Hiappieh, Smileee Evry Bodeh Hiappienniessss...!!!"
It's rock music with a sweet touch to the ears...just how I would describe MY kinda music, yeah.
Pursuit Of Happiness by Nuno Bettencourt
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Fareeq Alias' Signature Series Guitar by Nuno Bettencourt... or...as to how I would remember it, the colour's the same though... |
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Tips On How To Maintain Happy Thoughts While On Facebook.
First, go to the tobacco store and get some rolling papers and some cigarettes.
Second, look for your local pusher (if you don't know anyone, ask your friends) and get a couple grams of *tooot*.
Third, get back to your laptop, or ipad, or Android or whatever the hell it is that you're using to log into facebook wherever it may be.
Fourth, roll a *tooot* (if you don't know how, just try it, it's easy).
Fifth and final step, Smoke that *tooot*.

Try *Tooot* Now! You Won't Regret.
Mel Black on Politics : A Kick Start
To give it a kick start, one should know the exact definition of the subject.
For starters, and for you beginners and scepticals :
Politics can be defined as the “art of ruling human societies” Or as the “Science of government" and the art of relationships of government, and is used to describe the group of affairs which concern the state or the manner followed by rulers. It is a process by which groups of people make collective decissions. However, politics can be observed in other group interactions, including corporate, academic, and religious institutions. It consists of social relations involving authority and power and refers to the relation of public affairs within a political unit, and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy. Source - Mel Black with the help from Wikipedia.
That was complicated. Here's a simple but strong explanation of Politics in Malay literature.
Politik pada dasarnya adalah wadah yang murni, yang mulia dan status amat tinggi. Politik adalah ilmu tentang dasar dan kaedah memerintah sesebuah negara. Politik adalah suci.
Tapi bila ada yang mengucap bahwa dalam politik, sahabat boleh jadi musuh sertamerta, musuh boleh jadi sahabat sertamerta, sahabat dan musuh dalam politik tak pernah kekal, maka ternyata yang berucap itu cuba membusukkan politik yang suci lagi mulia itu.
-SHAHNON AHMAD, Sasterawan Negara dalam bukunya SHIT (TAHI).
Now it sounds interesting.
The Start of a New Journal's Journey
This blog is mostly in plain English. So it will be easy for many to understand. However, it might also contain some posts in Malay.
To begin, may I state that this web log might contain issues on almost everything and some of which include Society, Religion, Poetry, Leisure, Film, Music, Music again, and so on and so on. It might also include a little bit of nonsense as stated in my interests - The Earth, The Sky and Everything In Between.
It is the reflection of ones mind, thoughts, views, perceptions, visions, ideas, and beliefs.
It's about everything. It's about life.
This is my blog. THIS, is Mel Black's Blog.
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